About Us

About Us
About Us

Experiences on cleaning area with successful project ongoing.

Studies have shown that clean, well-maintained parking lots attract more customers to your business. They also make patrons feel more comfortable with staying longer, which increases the chances customers will spend more money.

We’ve discovered that curb appeal is an important part of parking lot maintenance. That’s why we do more than just sweep parking lots.

We offer a comprehensive service package that covers landscaping as well as snow plowing and other services necessary to keep your parking lot working for your business.

We offer a performance guarantee, so what do you have to lose? Call us today for more information.


In life, we've been told that we should not worry about what others think of us. However, as owner(s) of a service company, that is exactly what we do!

Our Services

We Offer a Wide Range of Disinfecting Solutions

We strive to impress our clients with each service that we perform for them. It is our job not only to clean and serve our customer's lots, but it is our responsibility to assist them in attracting new customers by enhancing the shopping experience. Nothing gives us more satisfaction than to look at a freshly cleaned parking lot, perfectly trimmed trees, and a well manicured lawn.

At the end of the day, it brings us joy to share the quality of our work with the customer. We're not ashamed to admit that our price may not be the absolute lowest, but we strive to be the highest interms of quality, reliability and customer service. We understand that in order to be the best service provider for our customers, we will have to work until the job is done right, so as our slogan says; "While you're sleeping, We're Power Sweeping" and performance says the rest!

  • Removing trash from your parking lot which reduces the chances of injuries.

  • Removing potentially infectious items such as needles, condoms.

  • Removing road kill from your parking lot not only protects customers, it supports your brand identity.

  • Removing sand, dirt and leaf litter keeps your striping and pavement looking lively for longer.

  • Keeping your lot clean, because a well-maintained lot attracts tenants and customers.

Message from DreamSweepers Company Owner

We gave our company the name Dream Sweepers because our company takes complete care of your lot while you're sleeping. We saw so many shopping areas in the DMV area that were not well kept, that we decided to do our part in improving the quality of shopping experiences in this area. We believe that there are many people like us who feel much more comfortable shopping in an area that is free of debris and attractive as well.

Nothing calms me like looking at a lot that has been cleaned by Dream Sweepers. Maybe that's because I'm not one of those owners who fell into this business from the landscaping or snow removal angle. I have had the fortune to not fall into the business. I was practically born in it.

For Dream Sweepers, each lot begins to feel like it's our personal property. The more we pour into it, the more our customer's investment becomes our investment.

You'll see that difference through the nurture and care we give each client's parking lot. Our feeling of partnership with you increases every time we do something to keep your lot up to par.

We look forward to discussing your needs and working out a package that fits your business requirements. Feel free to call us for an evaluation and quote at 240-566-6011. We hope to make working with us the source of many happy dreams.


The DreamSweepers Team